Features | ClickBubble

ClickBubble Features: OVERVIEW


1. VIDEO Widget.

personal video message (your human interaction) will pop-up in a friendly attention-grabbing bubble, welcoming your website visitors. Even add-on multiple unique ClickBubble VIDEO Widgets on separate pages, with different calls to action. See Samples HERE.


2. AI ChatBot.

An automated response (your ai avatar) answers the questions of your website visitors instantly. Your "digital helper" provides personalized, 24/7 assistance. Your bot reduces the need for manual responses and enhances visitor interaction. This allows you to focus on your core activities. 
See Samples HERE.


3. VIDBIO Link.

Put a clickable VIDEO message on your social media bios. When you create a clickable video link, you will instantly lead your prospect to a direct call to action embedded on the video. See Samples HERE.


4. REVIEW Widget.

Use ClickBubble Review Forms to have Customers instantly and easily submit their video review directly from their phone. Then, showcase Video Testimonials of your past customers to prospective clients! Also encourage customers to post their written review to your GBP. See Samples HERE.


5. VIDEOFLOW Widget.

Create VideoFlows that lead your website visitor down a path. Link multiple videos together in a single ClickBubble Widget. See an example of this powerful "Choose Your Own Adventure" style widget BELOW on this page, on our YouTube Channel or our VideoFlow Page.

ClickBubble Features: SAMPLES

1. VIDEO Widget Sample.

Warmly welcome your website visitors with a personal greeting and lead them to a specific call to action.

▸ 1. Introduce yourself.
▸ 2. Explain how you can help.
▸ 3. Lead your visitors to their next step.

See more on our Video Widget Page.

2. AI ChatBot Samples.

Have your AI Avatar answer questions for you 👉

See more on our AI ChatBot Page

3. VidBio Link Examples.

VidBio is a fantastic way to present a link to your audience that will open up your personal video with a direct call to action embedded into it.
See a sample by clicking HERE.

▸ 1. Create a personal video, just like have on your video widget.
▸ 2. Determine your call to action and copy the link.

▸ 3. Place the link in you Social Media Profiles.

See more on our VidBio Link Page.

4. REVIEW Widget Samples.

Video Testimonials from your past Customers are a powerful way to bring in new business. The ClickBubble Review Widget can be displayed in 1 of 3 Ways listed below.
Watch this quick :60 Sample Video 👉

▸ 1. Carousel - Shows One Testimonial at a time.
▸ 2. Infinite - Shows All Testimonials in a Straight Row 

▸ 3. Grid - Shows All Testimonials at once on a Page.

See more on our Review Widget Page.

5. VIDEOFLOW Widget Sample.

This Real Estate Team wanted to showcase different options (Intro/Spanish/Buyers/Sellers/Join Us) and utilized the ClickBubble VideoFlow Widget.
👈 Watch this :30 Overview Video to experience the VideoFlow sequence. (see complete 4:30 demo of this HERE)

▸ 1. Your visitor chooses which video they want to watch.
▸ 2. This creates more engagement/longer time on your site.
▸ 3. A VideoFlow can be created with just One Widget.

See more on our VideoFlow Widget Page.

Additional Options Included


Channel Options.

All Channels that can be implemented: Email, Text, Phone, 

Messenger, Booking Calendar, WhatsApp, Telegram, Link Page, Custom Embed, iFrame, Opt-in, LeadEngage, Ringbot, CE, Opentable, Rezy, ZingIt, ReviewForm, Menu, AIDcrm for a total of 20.


Integration Options.

All Integrations that can be implemented: Zapier, ConvertKit, MailChimp, Active Campaign, GHL, Google Sheets, and all future integrations that are added.


Widget Analytics.

Get detailed Analytics about performances like Widget Loads, Opens, Most Active Countries, Top Devices, Active OS, Active Browser, Channel Engagement, etc

ClickBubble by BizGrow
© BizGrow LLC